

Cognitive Diversity At Work™ works on all four levels: individual, pair, team and organisation. You start by getting your HBDI® Individual Profile. We offer three ways of doing this: just your profile, or your profile plus an in-depth confidential one-to-one facilitation, or your profile in a group setting.

For those working in pairs or teams, we can add your Individual Profiles together to produce Pair Reports and Team Reports. We can report at the organisation level by adding together all your organisation's Individual Profiles. And we can even report on your level of job satisfaction by comparing your profile with your job description.

All prices quoted below reflect facilitation delivered by phone or by ZOOM. Please contact us to get a quote for in-house facilitation.


Individual HBDI® Profile without facilitation

Following payment you will receive an email with a weblink for you to complete a questionnaire online. It is not a test, there are no trick questions, there are no right or wrong answers, and there is no time limit. Just be your honest, authentic self. Your HBDI® Individual Profile pack will be sent to you.

To get the maximum benefits from your profile you will need a one-to-one facilitation feedback by a Herrmann HBDI® Certified Practitioner. You can either find a practitioner, or use our service below.


Individual Profile
just £149 excl VAT.
Code IP-UK.

Email address


Individual HBDI® Profile with one-to-one facilitation by a Certified Practitioner

In addition to your HBDI® Individual Profile you also get an in-depth confidential one-to-one facilitation feedback with our Certified Practitioner by phone or by ZOOM. This is your opportunity to ask questions and seek insights to maximise the benefits of your profile at work. This is a premium service that can blend cognitive diversity, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, performance coaching, and mentoring, as necessary.


Individual Profile with 121
Practitioner facilitation
just £499 excl VAT.
Code IP121-UK.

Email address


Individual HBDI® Profiles in a group setting

This is ideal for organisations with many individuals to be profiled quickly and economically. Each person gets their own HBDI® Individual Profile. Our Certified Practitioner then delivers general feedback to each group of individuals by ZOOM. Hence, confidential one-to-one facilitations are not possible.

For each group (maximum size 15) simply order Individual Profiles code IP-UK as above. Then order the general feedback element code IPG-UK as below for the group contact.

This is not a Team Report. For a Team report, please see below.


in a group setting
just £300 excl VAT.
Code IPG-UK.

Name of group contact
Email address


Pair Report with facilitation by a Certified Practitioner

Prerequisite: each member of the pair already has their own HBDI® Individual Profile.

The two Individual Profiles are combined into a Pair Report, which is sent to the pair. Our Certified Practitioner then delivers the facilitation feedback by ZOOM. The Pair Report plus facilitation greatly improves outcomes in relationships in such as peer to peer, managers and directs, delegation, coaches and coachees, mentors and mentees, and business alliance partners. Plus shorter, calmer, more productive meetings, improved synergy, and better communication.


Pair Report with facilitation
just £519 excl VAT.
Code PRF-UK.

Pair names
Pair email addresses


Team Report with facilitation by a Certified Practitioner

Prerequisite: each member of the team already has their own HBDI® Individual Profile.

The team's Individual Profiles are combined into a single Team Report, which is sent to the team. Our Certified Practitioner then delivers the facilitation feedback by ZOOM. The Team Report plus facilitation greatly improves success in team building, the performance of existing teams, and when team membership changes. Outcomes include:

  • identifying the process flow preferred by the team
  • highlighting areas for improvement, such as communication and training
  • identifying potential challenges and blind spots
  • providing the process for making better team decisions.

Team Report with facilitation
just £569 excl VAT.
Code TRF-UK.

Team names
Team email addresses

Check your job satisfaction with facilitation by a Certified Practitioner

Prerequisite: you already have your own HBDI® Individual Profile.

Simply order your Job Satisfaction report, and email us your detailed job description showing your name.

We compile a pro-forma profile of your job description, and a report highlighting any variances between your Individual Profile and your job description. Our Certified Practitioner will explain by phone or ZOOM any variances, and recommend the best way forward. This is important since job performance and job satisfaction go hand in hand in pursuing your career.

Job satisfaction
£499.00 plus VAT

Email address


Pricing of large numbers of profiles and reports

Please contact us to outline your requirements and start the conversation.

Online Resources

With your HBDI® Individual Profiling comes access to an in-depth range of online digital resources 24/7 including newsletters, webinars, the personalised Thinking Platform, the Thinker Journey, and the Team Effectiveness Dashboard.

For organisations there is a feature for sharing profiles to aid collaboration and communication. For remote working there is the Remote Collaboration Team Activities Tool designed to enhance remote collaboration via activities focused on communication, dealing with frustrations, and building trust. And Blog posts for guidance and reference.

Contrasting the HBDI® with other Tools

Of the many tools, only the HBDI® (Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument®) is thinking-based, brain-based and fact-based. It is not based on psychology such as Myers-Briggs MBTI®, or on personality such as Hogan Personality Inventory or Big 5, or on behaviour such as DiSC®, 360°, EQ, TKI, or FIRO-B®, or on talents and interests such as StrengthsFinder or Strong Interest Inventory®.

The HBDI® measures thinking preferences, which are directly linked to the skills and knowledge to perform work.  Also, the HBDI® is fully scalable. and applies on all levels: individual, pair, team, and organisation.  This is simply not possible with other tools.

New Books!

"Cognitive Diversity At Work™" third edition now available. Please go to the Books page!

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