

Cognitive Diversity At Work™ Third Edition

This practical business book helps people who think differently to work together. Anyone, in any job, anywhere. It shows how cognitive diversity works in individuals, pairs, teams, and organisations. This book is based on real-world case studies of cognitive diversity at work.

If you want higher performance through better communication, collaboration, decision-making, problem-solving, coaching, mentoring, counselling and customer relations, then this is the book for you.

If you want higher productivity and staff retention, more creativity, more innovation, and quicker job-mastery, then this is the book for you.

If you want powerful insights into areas such as: stereotyping; groupthink; job satisfaction; emotional intelligence in boardrooms; male and female entrepreneurship; bureaucratic damage; the handling of COVID-19, and women in STEM careers, then this is the book for you.

If you want to know how cognitive diversity is above the identity diversity of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, then this is the book for you.