Outcomes and benefits
Cognitive Diversity at Work™ helps people who think and process information differently to work together, to communicate, and gel. Thinking is the basis of everything you do. Discover how you think! Outcomes and benefits include:
- better decision making, better problem solving
- maximising team productivity
- more creativity, more innovation
- higher performing individuals, pairs, teams, and organisations
- much quicker job mastery, higher staff retention
- ending groupthink and stereotyping
- jump-starting performance coaching, mentoring, and counselling.
What is Cognitive Diversity At Work™?
Everyone has access to four different ways of thinking at work: analytical, practical, relational, and experimental. You have your own strength of preference for each way of thinking: either strong, medium, or low. Your mix of preferences describe your own individual Cognitive Diversity At Work™.
So, when you interact with other people the results can be very varied: agreement, groupthink, supportive, synergy, misunderstandings, conflict…
How is Cognitive Diversity At Work™ visualised?
We use the Herrmann Whole Brain® Model. It is a metaphorical model which is linked to the physical structures of the brain, is fact based, and brain based.
You can access all four quadrants, and you have preferences in each quadrant. This in turn serves as the foundation for measuring and profiling.
How is Cognitive Diversity At Work™ profiled?
We use the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® (HBDI®) to produce your profile, with a detailed report including a wealth of supporting insights.
The profile shown is summarised as 2211, reading anti clockwise from quadrant A. A score of 3 means a low preference, 2 means a medium preference, and 1 means a strong preference. 1 and 1+ indicate the thinking modes you prefer to use when working with others to communicate and gel, to collaborate, to solve problems and make decisions. The dotted line shows the profile when thinking under pressure.
To get your Individual Profile, please go to Profiling.
The keys to success
Cognitive Diversity at Work™ reveals insights into everyday situations, so that you understand what is really going on between people.
You will be more effective in a wide range of applications: communication, pairs, teams, career development, management development, coaching, mentoring, teaching and learning...Cognitive Diversity at Work™ has a view on literally any aspect of human activity at work.
Who uses this technology?
The HBDI® profiling process has been highly validated since 1985 by over two million profiles in men and women, in over 20 languages, in over 55 countries worldwide, in 97% of Fortune 100 companies.
New Books!
"Cognitive Diversity At Work™" third edition now available on the Books page!